Project Name: Mutoko Centre Offices– Zimbabwe

Company: Mutoko Centre Christian Aid Offices Installed by Mwenje Solar Technology Powered By Samansco
Location: Zimbabwe
Project Date: May 24, 2020
Main Contact: Cynthia Muchibwa, Marketing Exec.
Application: Commercial Office Operations
Customer Type: Non-Profit Organization
Phocos Product: Any-Grid PSW-H Hybrid Inverter
Quantity: 1 unit (phase I)
Mwenje Ultimate Solar Solutions Samansco Logo

Project Description/ Key Details

  • This non-profit office needed cost effective power.  Utility bills were getting expensive so they wanted an alternative.  The more money they save with daily operation of this office, the more money this charitable organization can put toward their humanitarian efforts.
  • Stable power was a major requirement, to help this local team operate with the best efficiency possible to achieve their company goals and to work together with local and global offices.  An efficient office means more attention can be giving toward helping the community.
  • The customer wanted a solution with clean, quiet, sustainable, and reliable energy as an alternative to the intermittent utility grid power they were connected to.

Solution/ Results

  • The newly installed 5kWA solar system powers this non-profit’s work stations, desktop computers, laptops, printers and other office equipment, along with indoor and outdoor lighting.  With solar, they have a solution that fits their needs, avoiding a noisy generator, that requires maintenance and would add to air pollution.  Also, with solar, they avoid ongoing generator fuel costs and frustration with fuel shortages that are common locally.  The investment into this solar solution has a short payback period of 3.4 years.
  • The installer set the Phocos PSW-H priority energy source to be ‘solar’, saving money on daily electrical costs (on average this results in a 45% savings).
  • Donor funds launched this first phase of installation for the Christian Aid office.  Mwenje Solar selected the Phocos Hybrid Inverter (PSW-H) for this project, specifically because of its reliability and flexibility.  There is an opportunity to add on to this system in the future when more donor funds are available in their budget plan.  The Phocos PSW-H can link up to 9 inverters together to easily compliment system expansion.
  • After installation, this organization has a reduction in utility bills and there is no down time, due to power outages from the utility grid.  Their day to day efficiency has improved greatly.
  • This installation was so successful, there is not only an opportunity to expand at this location, but this same solar system solution with the Phocos Any-Grid Hybrid Inverter is also being considered by neighboring businesses in Mutoko Centre, along with other locations of the Christian Aid offices.    Some neighboring businesses are already in contract to follow the lead of this non-profit’s system design.

« The Phocos hybrid inverter is a quality product that provides clean and sustainable energy for our end users. It is a dependable solution when it comes to solar power. Phocos is a reliable brand we have chosen to  partner with.  They have earned our continued business. » 

–Mrs. Cynthia Muchibwa, Marketing Executive

45% Savings

On electricity expenses

3.4 Year ROI

The customer will realize a
3 year, 4 month payback,
based on their electrical savings

Featured Product:

Phocos PSW-H-5K230


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