décembre 10, 2021

Quality & Reliability – How to get the most out of a Photovoltaic System Investment

“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” -Benjamin Franklin- The word “Quality” is all around us every day in every part of our lives. It seems, that everybody knows what it means but most people struggle when asked for a definition. Try

Cabbages - Food storageand preservation
août 31, 2021

Food Preservation Advice for the Off-Grid Community with DC Refrigeration

When living or working Off-Grid, resources are vital and waste must be kept to a minimum.  This of course rings true with food storage and preservation.  To obtain the best return on a DC refrigerator investment, it is vital to understand best practices for optimum food storage and preservation. The

Woman cooking with clay pot and firewood outdoor
mars 22, 2021

Energy Poverty to Energy Access: Improve Health, Opportunity and Dignity for Women and Families

March is Women’s History Month and a time to consider the historical impact of energy poverty on women and how the futures of women and their families around the world can change with energy access.  Imagine what life would be like without access to modern-day energy sources and you’ll begin

Wallet with lots of bills inside
décembre 18, 2020

Refrigeration: DC vs. AC Comparison – 6 Tips Consumers Should Know

Off-Grid Refrigeration:  DC vs. AC Comparison – What Consumers Should Know About Costs and Efficiency An informed Off-Grid customer has the opportunity to be efficient with resources, generate less food waste and save money with a quality DC chest refrigerator/freezer.  Sounds too good to be true?  We assure you it

Cleaning dirty solar panels
décembre 18, 2020

Solar Panels: Self-Cleaning VS Proactive Cleaning

Question:  If solar is ‘maintenance free’, do I need to clean my solar panels? ‘Maintenance free’ is the right way to describe a photovoltaic system.  Typically, there are no moving parts, so if designed and installed properly, the system will run smoothly for many years.  Proven for decades, this has

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