RV Recreation Application – New Zealand

This customer purchased a 2003 RV that came fitted with a solar system, including an 18-year-old Phocos solar charge controller. After installing a new battery, he encountered a fault issue, so he decided to contact Phocos for technical support.

Residential Rental & Small Poultry Business Project – Zimbabwe

This Zimbabwe family was faced with a few challenges due to constant utility downtime.  Primarily, they wanted reliable power to help maintain freshness for their poultry business, and they had a goal for their kids to improve in school.  This means more study time with reliable, safe lighting and...

Sample product image on house

Off-Grid Tiny Home Solar Install – Northern California, USA

This customer wanted to live as sustainably as possible utilizing renewable energy for their tiny home and farm. When first moving into the tiny home, no utility hook up was available, so they were living Off-Grid without any access to power. After 18 months with the Any-Grid PSW-H Hybrid Inverter...

Solar panel and main box image

Residential Application – Sunny Vale Estate in Abuja, Nigeria

This homeowner lived with access to utility power, but unfortunately the utility could not supply consistent, reliable power, creating challenges for day to day living.  On average the utility would cut their power 4-6 hours a day, and sometimes even longer. This family wanted to leave frustration...

Turnkey Tourist Smart Building Rest Stop – China

High traffic tourist locations required a more environmentally friendly and modern option for restrooms services and more.  This government project was led by the Urban Management Bureau.  The Deputy General Manager leading this project, from Sichuan LVFA Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.,...

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Phocos Amerika, Inc.
Tucson, AZ USA
Telefon +1 520 777-7906

Phocos AG
Ulm Deutschland
Telefon +49 731 9380688-0

Phocos India Solar Pvt Ltd.
Puducherry - Indien
Telefon +91 413 2972328

Phocos China Ltd.
Qingdao China
Telefon +86 532 83837020
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