November 15, 2019

Will my CISCOM or CIS-CU settings be erased if the controller turns off, then is reconnected?

CISCOM or CIS-CU settings that are successfully transmitted to your controller will not be erased if the controller is disconnected from power. The internal microcontroller has non-volatile memory and does not require a constant source of power to retain information stored on it. 

November 15, 2019

How do I know if my CISCOM or CIS-CU settings were successfully transmitted to the controller?

The CIS controller family has a LED display that will show if it is communicating with the CIS-CU or MXI-IR. Two red LEDs will light up in pairs with short interruptions, and CISCOM will notify you if the controller successfully saved the settings or not.

November 15, 2019

How do I use CISCOM with my CIS charge controller?

You can use CISCOM with a MXI-IR USB cable or with a CIS-CU. You need one of these units to send information. These components are  available through Phocos distributors. See our website for a list of distributors near you, or contact our Sales Department. 

November 15, 2019

Can I program multiple dimming levels with CISCOM?

CISCOM only allows for single level dimming. So, you can dim your light to, say, 50%, but you cannot dim it to another level after – it can only operate at 100% or an arbitrary dimming value.

November 15, 2019

CISCOM values are programmed for 12V systems; how do I program for 24 or 48V?

To interpret CISCOM settings for a 24V system, multiply the given 12V values by a factor of 2. To interpret for a 48V system, multiply the given 12 V values by a factor of 4. 

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